miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Einstein Quotes

Importance of English

Information to be included in your final speech.
1.     What have I learned?
a.    About English:
                                              i.     First I have learned to put attention in the little mistakes, and of course I have learned many rules of grammar. Also I learned to do my best in anything because the course was very active, and I had to do everything and did well.
b.    About other stuff
                                              i.     The English course helped me to understand more things about my major, many topics about the life and other culture, because much information is in English. The languages are very important because we can communicate with other people of other country.
2.     What did I do to improve? Did I try hard enough?
a.    I improved my reading skills and my grammar skills but I didn’t my best. If I did my best my skills could be better, and I could pass the Toefl easily.
3.     What can I improve even more?
a.    About my English knowledge/skills
                                              i.     I think that the knowledge always will be improved; although I pass the Toefl and the course, I know that the skills have to be worked.
b.    About my learning/studying habits and attitude?
                                              i.     I improved my studying habits because to long of the semester I did almost of the works. I didn’t realize while the time was passing; I was learning more and I did the work and homework better.
4.     How can I improve? What is the most important thing I got from this course?
a.    I learned that the most important thing is the practice everyday, all of us know the topic but if we don’t practice, it is more difficult for us to understand the languages. English is like Mathematics; we have to practice every day and every exercise.
5.     What I am going to do in order not to lose what I’ve learned so far?
a.    Well, I am going to practice English. I’m going to read books in English, watch a movie without subtitles and of course try to speak in English.
6.     Why I think is English such an important requirement at TEC?
a.    Because nowadays the internationalization is very important to business and we have to have the idea that we’ll travel to other country and the most spoken language in the world is English
7.     Could I survive abroad in a place where English were the only way to communicate? Why?
a.    Yes of course because I know the basic rules and I know how to speak in English, I just haven’t to be shy and I need to try.
8.     How important is for my professional life to communicate in English?
a.    Is very important because the most important technological advances are outside of the country, and if I want to do a good civil engineer I need to bring these technology. 
9.     What job opportunities could I apply to due to my knowledge of English?
a.    First if I know English I could work in other country and second I could make that the enterprises investment in Mexico and in the development of the civil engineering.
10.            Is English enough or I need to study another language?  Why?
a.    Nothing is enough especially the language. I'm going to study other language because it will that I grow up as civil engineer and of course as person.
11.            What other language would I like/need to learn? Why?
a.    I don’t know in this moment but I like to study German, because it could help me in my major and it is an important language in the world.
12.   Say something to your classmates... (MANDATORY)
a.    I hope that all of you have a good future and you will be successful.