miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

first partial classwork

1 comentario:

  1. This partial I was absent many times and of course I lost many activities; however when I when I came to class I paid attention and I did my best. My-self study was regular because I didn't finish the activities or sometimes I didn't study at all. I was very relaxed and in the Toefl I was nervous.
    I have to change and to complete all the assignments and of course I have to practice more and more frequently. I'll practice daily even though I have other things to do. I'll attend class everyday and I'll go to tutorials. I'm going to study even on weekends for improving my Toefl skills. In the next Toefl I'll try to get concentrated because I have some problems with my emotional control. If I do all these things, I'll have a good grade and of course I'll have the Toefl score.
