sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

A family tradition INTRO

5 comentarios:

  1. Christmas is a very important day for the Catholics but not all of them have a tradition in this day, today I'm going to talk about the christmas dinner, which is a tradition in my closed family.
    Christmas dinner is on December 24th and it's in the dinning room. First in the morning my family and I go to supermarket for the things we need in order to prepare the dinner; after the shopping we go to my grandparent's home. In the afternoon we prepare the food for the dinner, which is very delicious; when we finish the food we go to the church and of course we pray for the people in the world.
    I chose this tradition because all my closed family are together and of course all of us enjoy the day and we are in peace. This day is very special for me and my family because we are Catholics.

  2. Hi victor
    I agree with you with this tradition. It seems we celebrated the same date and with similarities. For me it is the most important tradition because since i have memory it is the tradition where all my family is together. Although part of my family are living in Chiapas and the other part here in puebla, all always get together to celebrate christmas dinner. It does´t matter what happened they can visit us or we can go to Chiapas. As you told every year we make the dinner and go to the church and we try to take a good time in family.

  3. Your tradition sounds like a party night with friends: Just fantastic!
    You said something that is very important: nowadays "catholics" just celebrate this day to have fun but completely ignore the real meaning of X-mas, which is the birthday of Jesus Christ or something like that.
    I dont believe in that figure of a God but I celebrate X-mas too with all my family, whose way of think is just like yours (We have very fun moments with the dinner, gifts exchange and dancing despite I don´t believe in this hypotesis of the creation), however, I respect all the catholic traditions, in fact, all the traditions from every religion just because every man/woman have the right to think whatever they want.

  4. Victor i like your family tradition because i think december 24th is a very important day to celebrate the love of God.
    Your family tradition sound great because many people only have time to celebrate but we don't take time for praying at church.
    Victor i like that you have all day with family and You do the whole things to celebrate.

  5. Victor I liked your tradition, I think Christmast dinner is the most popular tradition in the world but the part that I most loved of your composition is that you and your family go in the morning to the supermarket to buy all necessary to prepare the dinner, that´s very good!. I said that because my family and me celebrate that tradition too but in our case my mom and my grandmother buy all necessary for the dinner and then they are all day long preparing our delicious dinner. Nor my father nor me participate in the making of the food, I think we should do it but we never do it.
    I salute you because you´re a great son and you help to your mom and that´s very good.
